Analyzing Euro Trends Using IMF Forecasts | Toolbox Arithmetic Feature

Instructor: MacroMicro Length: 1 minutes Classmate: 71 Debuted at: 18 Jul 2024 0

Analyzing Euro Trends Using IMF Forecasts | Toolbox Arithmetic Feature

Step 1: In the Arithmetic section, calculate Eurozone GDP as a share of USD GDP.
Step 2: Add a EUR/USD exchange rate line to the chart.
Step 3: Navigate to settings and rename the arithmetic calculation.
Step 4: Change the frequency and aggregation settings for the EUR/USD data.
Step 5: In settings, set the starting date field to blank to include all available data.
Step 6: After completing the setup, go to “My Dashboard” to view your chart.
Step 7: Save the chart to “My Dashboards” for future reference.


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