Dark Knight Noma Prime
US Loans and Leases in Bank Credit by Type (YoY, %) Loans from U.S. commercial banks are mainly composed of three major items: commercial loans (20~30%), real estate loans (40~60%), and consumer loans (10~20%). In more detailed terms, commercial rea
黃泓學 Prime
1.MM名詞解釋: 台灣出口中以電子零組件貨品為最大宗、其次為資通與視聽產品 、兩者的成長趨勢決定出口動能。 財政部出口的分類方式: 1. 電子零組件:積體電路、印刷電路板、二極體、太陽能電池、電阻和電容器。 2. 資通/視聽產品:電腦及其附屬單元、電腦之零附件、
Dark Knight Noma Prime
US Semiconductor Equipment Billings (3MMA, YoY) 2 Month Lead vs Taiwan Business Cycle Monitoring Indicator 2 Month Lead vs US ISM PMI Order minus Inventories The Monitoring Indicator is score-based and divided into five traffic light signals: 1. Re
RUN Prime
在 COT 整合式報告中,將市場交易者劃分成投機者及避險者。避險者多與市場反向操作以避險,而投機者不參與實務銷售,交易僅用於賺取實質價差報酬,與市場同向。 因此,我們以投機者減去避險者計算出 COT 籌碼指數,代表市場大戶的多空看法。 銅籌碼 COT 指數 = 銅期貨
Dark Knight Noma Prime
Japan PMI vs Japan Semiconductor Equipment Billings (3MMA, YoY) 4 Month Lead
Dark Knight Noma Prime
US Manheim Used Vehicle Value Index YoY% 4M Lead vs Used Cars & Trucks CPI YoY%