MM Community Sentiment Survey

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MacroDoggy Prime
The Zillow Housing Rent Index (annual growth rate) and the New Tenant Rent Index (annual growth rate), which only investigates the rent levels of new tenants, usually lead the price index - rent (annual growth rate) by about 6 to 12 months, because t
Dark Knight Noma Prime
US ISM NMI Prices 12M Lead vs US CPI Core Services (YoY)
Dark Knight Noma Prime
Fed Net Liquidity
cpt. B Mate Prime
checkbabycheckbaby 1 2 3
LEI Prime
Macrostake Prime
This chart intends to show the relationship between the US dollar, the US business cycle, and its impact on asset prices, equities in particular. The YoY change in S&P clearly correlates with ISM, and leading ISM indicators such as new orders - inve