MM Community Sentiment Survey

What are your expectations for the next 3 months?

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MacroDoggy Prime
The Zillow Housing Rent Index (annual growth rate) and the New Tenant Rent Index (annual growth rate), which only investigates the rent levels of new tenants, usually lead the price index - rent (annual growth rate) by about 6 to 12 months, because t
Root Prime
The real interest rate in this chart is calculated as a country's 10-year bond yields minus its consumer price index. Taiwan's central bank monitors other countries' real interest rates to formulate its monetary policy. When the real interest rate i
MacroDoggy Prime
% of States Where the Sahm Rule Has Been Triggered
Dark Knight Noma Prime
China's stockpiling of important resources suggests they may be preparing for a major one-off devaluation of the CNY. Despite local financial institutions hoarding bonds due to weak credit demand growth, China reported a strong 5.2% YoY Q1. Speculati
Dark Knight Noma Prime
US Semiconductor Equipment Billings (3MMA, YoY) 2 Month Lead vs Taiwan Business Cycle Monitoring Indicator 2 Month Lead vs US ISM PMI Order minus Inventories The Monitoring Indicator is score-based and divided into five traffic light signals: 1. Re
Dark Knight Noma Prime
US Excess Liquidity Growth YoY % 12 Month Fwd vs S&P 500 YoY %