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LEI Prime
The US Credit Spread includes US AAA Credit Spread, US BBB Credit Spread, and US CCC Credit Spread. As an example, the US CCC Credit Spread is calculated as follows: US CCC Credit Spread = Merrill Lynch CCC-grade High-Yield Bond Yield - US 10-Year
MacroDoggy Prime
2092 3
Eurozone HICP Inflation Annualized Growth
Dark Knight Noma Prime
US | Chicago Fed National Financial Conditions Index (NFCI) 20M Fwd vs M2 (YoY)
Macrostake Prime
Rising investment in the real estate sector is an important indicator for the future housing market conditions and for the future housing demand. Nearly 30% of the copper ore around the world are used in China to build houses. So the Chinese housing
Sunchartist Prime
Cracking spread refers to the price difference between crude oil and refined oil products such as gasoline, diesel, and aviation oil. It can be used to evaluate the profitability of converting crude oil into different petrochemical products, and can
Bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency. Unlike fiat currency, bitcoin is not dictated by Central banks nor processed by third-party providers. Bitcoin transaction data transfers from one block to another block without going through an intermediary